Our SENDCo is Miss D. Lower.

She can be contacted as follows:-
St. Matthews – (01636) 821217 – office@st-matthews.notts.sch.uk
Norwell             – (01636) 636244 – office@norwell.notts.sch.uk

Nottinghamshire – SEND Local Offer:

The SEND Local Offer aims to bring together helpful and useful information for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) and their families. It is a comprehensive guide to services and support all in one place. This can be accessed through https://www.nottshelpyourself.org.uk/kb5/nottinghamshire/directory/localoffer.page?newdirectorychannel=9 

Please watch the video to find out more: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W90gvdBgl_U