On Tuesday 27th January, children from Years 3-6 joined Y5-6 children from St. Matthews on a visit to Mrs. Ward’s previous school, Rushey Mead Primary which is in the heart of Leicester on the Melton Rd. The visit was part of our ‘On the Move’ topic where we are comparing the cultural similarities and differences of a city with a village.

The children had the opportunity to explore a large school in a very different setting and talked to the pupils there about life in a city and a city school. They also had the chance to taste some of the food that is offered to the children of the school as their school dinner and had a tour of the local area and the school to see the facilities on offer.

We hope that the children from Rushey Mead will visit us in the summer term to experience life at our small village school.

The photos show some of the activities the children took part in.



Norwell & St. Matthews trip to Rushey Mead in Leicester