Dear Parent/Carer
We would like to you invite you to the Norwell C of E Primary Easter Community Lunch. The lunch is open to parents, carers, family and friends on Thursday 26th March at 12:00noon. Meals cost £2.52 for an adult and £2.10 for any visiting children. The menu we will be serving is:

Roast Turkey, Stuffing (Contains Gluten)
& Gravy.

Mashed Potatoes
Roast Potatoes

Sliced Carrots
Spring Cabbage

Chocolate Muffin (Contains Gluten, Egg)

*Should you require a vegetarian option, please indicate on the form below.

To book your lunch, please fill in the slip below and return to school, together with payment A.S.A.P
Many Thanks
Diane Ward
Head Teacher
I enclose £ ……… for ………. adult meal(s) [ ] @ £2.52 per meal

I enclose £ ……… for ………. child meal(s) [ ] @ £2.10 per meal

I would like to book a vegetarian meal [ ]

Signed……………………………………………….Name (please print)……………………………………………….
Payment by cash or cheque made payable to Norwell C of E Primary please.

Easter Community Lunch at Norwell Primary